
How did my daughter end up on Heroin?

Today is a very special day. We have posted our first video (5 mins) and this past Tuesday I had the special opportunity to encourage families as a guest on a wonderful podcast for Pastors of small churches called 200 Churches with Jeff Keady and Jonny Craig . Since the podcast will be aired today I thought it would be beneficial to post the video for July. If you would like to here the interview click here.

In this video I share what we as a family believe were some of the issues that ultimately lead to Lauren’s addiction. Sadly we did not discover many of these details until after

Lalas Macrons

Lauren’s first overdose in July of 2016. Others we could not learn, due to HIPAA laws, until after Lauren’s passing away on July 6th 2017.

The video reveals how sometimes a series of smaller issues, each of which are important and challenging enough on their own can accumulate and become overwhelming.

We hope it will encourage families and individuals facing Mental Health and Addiction issues to begin important conversations that move their loved one toward the best help options for their situation.

Near the end of the video I make reference to a trip Lauren took with her mom to visit Nereida’s sister. The way I say it in the video makes it sound like Lauren had a sister, she does not have a sister she has a twin brother, Evan, sorry Evan.

By the way: Pink was Lauren’s favorite color!