
Month: October 2019

Friends and Family

Friends and Family make a difference. This is not an idle statement or empty promise, they are words filled with power to help people we love. Like many things in life, in the field of mental health and addiction, change Read more…

Give Them Their Chance

This weeks featured image is called “Ripples”. It is a self-portrait by artist Brooke Shaden. On her Instagram post about the image she extols the potential of everyone: every artist, every creative, every person to leave ripples on in the Read more…

Sheltered From the Storm

The other day I happened to be in a school working with young people of a wide range of ages, from K all the way to grade 11. One of the things that kept catching my attention was seeing young Read more…

Our Journey From Chaos to Comfort – Part 2

Lauren attended a Narcotics Anonymous meeting the night we got home. Eventually I learned she bought heroin at that meeting. Lauren’s pained words still echo in my mind, “…repeating this cycle of saying, ‘I’m going to stop using’ and the very next day, or even hours later, doing that drug.”