You’re Gonna Miss This

I am often asked what I miss most about my daughter? The honest answer is everything ….

Our second video mentions a great song called “You’re  Gonna Miss This” by Trace Adkins, you can listen to it here , make sure you have tissues.

In this weeks 4 minute video I mention that except for the pain that I know Lauren faced because of her anxiety, anorexia, and addiction, I would want her back, in spite of the chaos her addiction and mental health disorder brought to our lives. I go on to explain that the love and warmth we “must” express to our loved ones NOW just never seems to be enough once they are gone.

In light of the recent events Wednesday August 17th  in New Haven CT  70 People Overdose on New Haven Green. I am making a call, a plea to stop this insanity.

Albert Einstein said ….

“The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result”

The approach we have been taking towards recovery, mental health and the drug war have not changed significantly for nearly 50 years. New things are being learned and understood everyday. We need to  apply all we can to save those we love.

I also make mention of a great article for families and others that love a person addicted or with mental health issues called C.R.A.F.T. , the article is here.

I  encourage both families and effected individuals to read our Stories of Hope page. You can do this!

Together we will make a difference and stem the tide of this ruthless plague.

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