One Little Step

This is one of my favorite images of our family. For me, it depicts the family I believed and longed for us to be. Not perfectly because nothing in this world is perfect, including people. But, I think I am being honest when I say this is who we are.

The picture was taken a few days before we were bringing our children, Evan and Lauren, to college. We were waiting to take a jungle boat ride to some remote cabin in the middle of Disney where we would stay for a few days before orientation day.

I know that both my children were facing college with the apprehension that every kid does. New people to meet, new experiences to navigate, more responsibility to carry, and the challenge of the unknown we all face when doing new things. For Lauren, it was also a time of renewed hope. I explain this in detail in “Eyes Filled With Hope”.

As I looked at this image the other day while watching some videos of our kids growing up I made a statement I never thought of before. A statement that could be dramatic for you if you are struggling with addiction and honestly could protect those you love from a lot of pain.

The statement was “What could have happened if she told us all that was happening there?” In this picture, I know my daughter realized she was addicted to heroin, the post mentioned above talks about that. I know she was hoping that this would be a fresh start for her. I know that she felt this was too big to share with those she loved, and she knew, loved her very much. Was it fear, embarrassment, guilt, the answer is all of the above and more.

I write about the statement today hoping that you can do what “LaLa” could not tell those around you what is happening. Do not keep it a secret. Don’t listen to the whispers telling you not to, you should tell them, you can do it alone, you can’t, they will get mad, they might but if they really love you they will help, they will reject you if they do they are not really on your team. Find the ones that are.

If Lauren had told us what she was facing we would have helped her: her mom, her brother, all her friends, and me, and honestly, the chances of the outcome being very different were much higher. The earlier we start our recovery the easier our recovery is. If you are starting late it is possible, do not believe the lie that it is not possible, it is never too late. TELL SOMEBODY THAT CARES, because the ones that care are going to hurt the most when it ends in pain, and the chances of that are high. Medical insurance claims for drug overdose were up 95% in March 2020, and 119%  in April 2020 compared to 2019 in the age group 13 to 18. That is when my daughter started using drugs, and no she never imagined she would end up addicted to heroin. TELL SOMEBODY PLEASE!

That same day I saw another image that is crucial to recovery. It applies whether you are the impacted individual or the one who loves them. The point of the image is very clear.

You will achieve healing, recovery, victory, freedom, whatever you want to call it when you take one little step each day.

  • Have the conversation.
  • Call the detox center.
  • Make the appointment with the doctor
  • Take an action step that moves you away from dependency instead of toward it.
  • Let the addicted person you love know: You are not aiding their addiction, but you are not giving up on them.
  • Wait one day before you use again.

Take the one little step even though it feels BIG!


This weeks featured image is by Brooke Shaden, it is called “Second Chance”. You always have a second chance, if you want it.