
Month: April 2022

Never Forget “You Are Seen”

Mores are the customs, norms, and behaviors that are acceptable to society or social groups. They are not necessarily based on written law and they can change. Mores are something regarded as a normative example. For the purposes of this Read more…

A Dream Down the Road Matters

FUNNY YOU SHOULD THINK OF THAT This week I had an echocardiogram. Like a lot of things in life—a life impacted by the loss that was senseless—it reminded me of my daughter Lauren. I’m sure LaLa’s mom and brother would Read more…

If I Would Try

IT’S HARD TO STOP Lately, something has been happening that I do not like but can’t seem to stop! Things are fading. Lots of things related to Lauren. In my mind, I can not “see” her as clearly as I Read more…