
Category: We Hope This Helps

Leave Me Alone

One of the things those facing addiction or for that matter, a mental health issue is to isolate. There are lots of reasons why too many to mention here. Regarding addiction sometimes that isolation is driven by, not wanting to Read more…

Be Sure They Know the Danger

Please keep dreaming the best for you and that person you love, no matter how dark it may get

Help Your Loved One Navigate Their World

From time to time I have a chance to photograph portraits for a variety of schools. The children can range from pre-school age all the way to seniors in High School. What I particularly love about photographing the younger kids Read more…

Together Toward Hope

I recently was part of planning and hosting a vigil, “to stay in a place and quietly wait, pray, etc., for a period of time”. We called this event “Together Toward Hope”. It was a good event, about 150 people Read more…

Facing the Terror

“It helped me escape emotional pain… helped me deal with stress… gave me peace of mind… a sense of connection with others… a sense of control.”


We need to live life not simply to avoid death but to experience something deeper . . .

Misconceptions – STOP

Why can’t they just STOP?


I just learned that on August 3, 2016, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) formally announced that sport climbing would be a medal sport in the 2020 Summer Olympics. The inclusion was proposed by the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) Read more…

A Step Forward is a Step Forward

Moving to recover is an up-hill battle. It is slow, it takes time, it’s easier with someone by my side, and it can be done . . .

Running Out of Steam

Later, weeping, I tried to understand what was happening to us as a family . . .