
Category: We Hope This Helps

Against All Odds

A question I get asked a lot is “Can I help my loved one overcome an addiction even if they do not want help?” It’s a valid question because this does happen a lot, or at least, seems to. The Read more…

There Can Be a Path Home

Someone I love is addicted, now what?

Many Days I Never Expected

When someone you love is overcoming an addiction there are lots of “Days You Never Expected!” Some of those are negative and sadly painful, others are highly welcome,  good things that because of the norm of chaos around addiction or Read more…

Statues Underground

If you could freeze a moment in time what would it be?


This week I was reminded and deeply saddened by the struggles and pain many young people face today. Our children are being eaten alive by addiction, mental health, and fighting the difficulties of coping with life in a world that Read more…


The image below is a stairway in my house. It’s the stairway I came charging up to take the last few steps toward an altered world. The image that catapulted me into that world was my daughters lifeless body in Read more…

Fit In

This past week I needed a follow-up to some surgery I had done.  It required a one-day in and out visit to the hospital, everything went very well. In the past couple of years, I have had several visits to Read more…

Feeble Hints for Fellow Strugglers

There is an old story of a man who got married and often spoke on the topic “How to Raise Children”. The only problem was he and his wife had no children at the time. After having a few children Read more…

The Rock That Threatens to Crush You

What is the rock hanging over your head that threatens to crush you? I think if most of us are honest we all can name one rock, maybe many. This is especially relevant in the life of someone fighting an Read more…

Finding Fullness on the Other Side of Failure

By far the most heartbreaking thing for me in trying to help my daughter overcome her anxiety, anorexia, and addiction was the mental anguish I know it caused her. In one statement, it all beat her down. One of the Read more…