
Category: We Hope This Helps

One Size Does Not Fit All

I am a Pastor. For some, even myself as I went through it, that statement seems at odds with the events that unfolded in Lauren’s life, especially her addiction. I would be the first to acknowledge that the church, in Read more…

Finding Rescue

Several years ago, as family and friends had gathered from many places to honor the life of my dad and support my mom through his passing I had an interesting conversation with my Uncle Charlie. Charlie is a doctor and Read more…


Is it possible to help someone who doesn’t want help? That is a very commonly asked question. The answer is yes it is possible to help someone fighting addiction even when they may not want help. The problem is we Read more…

Snap Back

Since I was eighteen, I have had a passion for photography. These days I do not do as much photography I as did when I operated my own photography studio. From time to time I still photograph grade school children Read more…

What Is Addiction?

Today’s title is an important question. There are many answers to it, most of which are true, they also can be helpful for us in discovering how we can understand, and help our loved one. I would like to talk Read more…


I remember when I was a small child in the 60’s a toy was introduced called “Slip’ n Slide”. You can see by the image to the right that it was a lot of fun. I loved it, when we Read more…

Strong Pillar

The American Medical Association recently said: “The AMA is greatly concerned by an increasing number of reports from national, state and local media suggesting increases in opioid-related mortality—particularly from illicitly manufactured fentanyl and fentanyl analogs. More than 40 states have Read more…

House on Fire

The featured image this week is from my favorite photographer, Brooke Shaden. I find her work thought provoking, challenging and often inspiring. Her work also helps me process the greatest challenge I have, and hope I ever will, face, the Read more…

What’s the Alternative

I received a few very encouraging notes this week from different people. I was grateful, they arrived at just the right moment. One of them highlighted a truth regarding the philosophy of We Chose Love. It is not easily received Read more…


“The opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety. It’s connection. It’s all I can offer. It’s all that will help him in the end. If you are alone, you cannot escape addiction. If you are loved, you have a chance. For a Read more…