
Never Forget “You Are Seen”

Mores are the customs, norms, and behaviors that are acceptable to society or social groups. They are not necessarily based on written law and they can change. Mores are something regarded as a normative example. For the purposes of this Read more…

A Dream Down the Road Matters

FUNNY YOU SHOULD THINK OF THAT This week I had an echocardiogram. Like a lot of things in life—a life impacted by the loss that was senseless—it reminded me of my daughter Lauren. I’m sure LaLa’s mom and brother would Read more…

If I Would Try

IT’S HARD TO STOP Lately, something has been happening that I do not like but can’t seem to stop! Things are fading. Lots of things related to Lauren. In my mind, I can not “see” her as clearly as I Read more…

Don’t Let Stuff Fall Through the Cracks

I WISH I HAD THE ANSWER I am convinced that life throws us hints. Events, moments, memories, déjà vu, God, maybe all the aforementioned. To me, it sometimes seems that we are being warned. Maybe its just hindsight but I Read more…

A Confession and a Pretty Good Strategy

I HAVE A CONFESSION Often when I read some of the many books of stories of families and people that navigate well overcoming addiction I am flooded with a variety of emotions. Of course, I am glad to see that Read more…

You Can Have a Beautiful Life but Isolation Will Not Take You There

BRAIN IN CRISIS One of the painfully sobering thoughts in the addiction world is that many people start experimenting with alcohol and drugs early. It is a known fact that using the powerful drugs that exist today has a devastating Read more…

I Know You Want to Hide But Please Don’t

Just the other day I received one of those FaceBook memory reminders. It had Lauren’s name on it so I always open those. The image was this picture. It had been taken while we were at a pool relaxing. It Read more…

You Have More to Offer Than You Think

It hit me out of nowhere. I was talking with my wife and suddenly realized: my son’s birthday is in just over a week, he will be twenty-seven. Then, without warning the thought exploded in my mind: “WOW, 5 years Read more…

A Hard Question That Keeps Coming Up

I have done a few posts where I focused on something you ask a lot when you have faced the rough road of loving someone through recovery or mental health issues. Especially if you lost that person. That question is Read more…

A Lot of Life Happens in Unusual Places

The other day a seemingly unusual thing caught my attention and imagination, of all things, it was a stairway. Not just any stairway but the stairway that is in the center of our house. The stairway that is the access Read more…