
Tag: addiction

You Have to Be Willing to Compete

I have many special memories of my daughter Lauren. We were fortunate to do lots of things together as a family. We also made it a point to spend time with each of our kids separately. One that holds a Read more…

A New Perspective on an Old Problem

Last weekend I attended a training for clinicians in an approach called “The invitation to Change Approach” click the link to visit an interesting page about the approach for the families and friends of addicted loved ones. It was an Read more…

Our Journey From Chaos to Comfort – Part 2

Lauren attended a Narcotics Anonymous meeting the night we got home. Eventually I learned she bought heroin at that meeting. Lauren’s pained words still echo in my mind, “…repeating this cycle of saying, ‘I’m going to stop using’ and the very next day, or even hours later, doing that drug.”

Living in the Land of What If

“What If” is a question that gets asked a lot in life, even more so when a loved one is lost unexpectedly. What if Lauren had never made the choice to try heroin, or any drug for that matter? What Read more…

The Folly of Perfection

I had two very interesting conversations this week with two unrelated people and situations. One regarded a failure in the medical treatment system that caused a great deal of pain in people’s lives. The other related to the various styles Read more…

An Unexpected Solution

Wrapping up our several weeks look at many of the various treatments available for individuals who are fighting addiction I wanted to close with what I consider to be the most influential and effective. What it is will surprise many, Read more…