
Month: December 2018

The Best Year Ever

One of the great things about New Years is that it is a new year. A chance to start fresh. A chance to erase the misgivings and mistakes of our past. I love a verse in the Bible, 1 John Read more…

Brighter Days

“Brighter Days”, that’s the name of todays featured image. It was created by one of my top two favorite conceptual photographers Brooke Shaden. Brooke often integrates her desire to know and understand God into her images. The thought, that our Read more…

I want to but I won’t

In the new movie Ben is Back, there is a scene where Ben (Lucas Hedges) and his mother, Holly (Julia Roberts) are at a cemetery. Holly says to Ben “Tell me where you would like me to bury you.” A Read more…

The one thing I would do differently

The other day I noticed a state police vehicle, ambulance, and two cars on the side of the highway. As I got closer it was evident there had been a serious accident. Seeing the car with the level of damage Read more…