
Category: We Hope This Helps

The Best Gift to Give Your Addicted Loved One

isolation addiction mental health

Something we often forget. Addiction and mental health are no respecters of age, wealth, skin color or geography, they will impact and influence any of us at any time. Love is the same, only its impact is highly positive! This Read more…

You’ve got to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive

help for addiction

Some of you may remember the rest of the song “You’ve Got to Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive”. Originally recorded by Jonny Mercer in the 40’s, then made famous by Bing Crosby and many other well-known artists. The Aretha Franklin version is pretty Read more…

People Need Propping Up Addicted or Not

Add to that the myriads of issues that hammer us in living life and that just about covers everybody. Connection and community matter to the human being! This week has been a challenge to say the least. A few surprises, Read more…

Five Things You Should Know About Addiction

Addiction is very complicated Hopefully, we have moved past the simplistic idea that addiction is just a choice, it is, but it is so much more than that. At some point, it rewires the brain in ways that show up Read more…

What You Know for Sure . . .

Mark Twain said “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “ There is a story made famous by Stephen Covey in his epic book “Seven Habits Read more…

The Perfect Day

A Perfect Day Well, it sure wasn’t yesterday. Have you ever had one? That question may cause you to pause, your mind frantically processing millions of bits of data that hold memories of moments, events, people, problems, victories and much Read more…

Find the Joy and Try to Hold on To It

In the last post I made was on the Anniversary of Laurens passing. In it I showed and mentioned a treasured image of LaLa scooting around our kitchen, dining room and living room on a little care we had purchased Read more…

Happy Birthday in Heaven

A WEEK OF EMOTIONAL UPS AND DOWNS This week was my twins, Evan and Lauren’s (LaLa) Birthday. It was by far the greatest day of by life. Seeing them born and holding them in my arms was life changing! Today Read more…

Addiction Starts and Ends in Pain

LOOING FOR THE PAIN In a post where LaLa announced to the world that she was addicted to heroin and working at getting well. You can read the complete post in “A Moment of Great Pride” , she said, “while Read more…

Slow Down it Might Save a Life

The more we can delay or prevent a person’s use of drugs or alcohol the higher the chances that they will not becomes addicted. A huge problem today is that kids start very young. Starting drug use early dramatically impairs Read more…