A Short Personal Rambling and an Important Message

THE VERSE THAT REVEALS MY DAUGHTER This week I was reminded of something the tattoo that reminds me of my daughter on my arm says. She loved anchors pearls and dotting her “I’s” with meticulously drawn hearts. At the top Read more…

Happy Birthday in Heaven

A WEEK OF EMOTIONAL UPS AND DOWNS This week was my twins, Evan and Lauren’s (LaLa) Birthday. It was by far the greatest day of by life. Seeing them born and holding them in my arms was life changing! Today Read more…

Addiction Starts and Ends in Pain

LOOING FOR THE PAIN In a post where LaLa announced to the world that she was addicted to heroin and working at getting well. You can read the complete post in “A Moment of Great Pride” , she said, “while Read more…

Slow Down it Might Save a Life

The more we can delay or prevent a person’s use of drugs or alcohol the higher the chances that they will not becomes addicted. A huge problem today is that kids start very young. Starting drug use early dramatically impairs Read more…


I was very surprised to learn from someone this week about their experience while preparing for a medical procedure. All the details were covered, what not to eat, medications to stop specific days ahead of time. What to expect after Read more…

Move Closer You’re Too Far Away

The other day I came across some journals. There were a few that I would use to write notes to Evan and Lauren with the hope that one day I would give them to them and they could read them. Read more…

Please Don’t Miss This

IT REALLY IS THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR It’s a time when people’s hearts seem more open to the hurts of others, more caring toward others, and more aware of the deep pain in our culture! It’s also Read more…

The Gift of Hard Things

Todays post speaks to the reality that life is sometimes hard, doesn’t always go the way we hope, but we are not alone. HARD THINGS SOMETIMES HELP Most of us have not been equipped to be encouraged by the hard Read more…

Be a Helping Hand in the Light

YOUN CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE This week I would like to highlight two easy things we all could do to let our voice be heard regarding addiction and make a difference. Next week—October 23rd to October 31st—is Red Ribbon Week. Read more…

We Can’t Withdraw from This

SHOCKING WORDS When Lauren was in a local hospital, in the psych ward to be detoxed, I was privy to a very eye-opening conversation with Lauren’s permission. The events that led up to this moment were some of the most Read more…